A Prospective, Multi-Center, Longitudinal Study of Dynamic Quantification of Social-Visual Engagement (DQSVE) For Treatment Monitoring In Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Thank you for your interest in this study. Below is a detailed description of the study procedures and eligibility
The purpose of this study is to look at an investigational medical device, the EarliPoint™ Evaluation for Autism Spectrum Disorder treatment.
The device tracks where children are looking while watching videos. This shows us how typically developing children and those with autism explore the world differently. The goal is to see if the device can track treatment progress for autism in children 1 to 7 years (15-84 months) in a way comparable to current diagnostic tests.
If your child is enrolled, they will watch some social videos on the device and undergo gold-standard diagnostic assessments in the first study visit. The visit can take up to 4 hours. After completing the first visit, there will be follow-up visits to track progress.
This study is being conducted solely for research purposes and your participation is strictly voluntary. If you are interested in taking part, we will ask you to sign a form to indicate that you consent to taking part in the study. If you consent to participate, you may withdraw from the study at any time. You will receive compensation for participation.
Your child may be eligible if they are:
- 15 - 84 months of age.
- Diagnosed with ASD or related developmental delays (DD)
- Are physically able to sit at a table and watch age-appropriate videos.
- Able to understand instructions given in English.
- Have normal to corrected-to-normal vision and hearing.
*Please note that enrollment for typically developing children (i.e., children without ASD/DD) has been closed. However, typically developing children can still participate in our other Measure ASD study. You can find more information about that study at https://www.unmc.edu/mmi/research/active/measure-asd.html .
*Enrollment for children with ASD who are 31-84 months of age has been closed. We are still recruiting Children with ASD who are 15-30 months of age for this study.
If you are interested in participating in this study and believe you meet the eligibility criteria, you will need to answer several short questions. These questions will take about 5 minutes to complete.