To protect and help faculty and staff participate in activities outside the United States, please complete the following questionnaire. This is required to receive approval for international activities.

To avoid delays, please submit this questionnaire two weeks prior to the funding application deadline.

Related procedures and forms:

  • All international travel must be pre-registered through Concur and is subject to financial and compliance approvals, including export controls and conflicts of interest. Concur is available at Information on the University of Nebraska's international travel policies and using Concur is available at Additional information on other travel resources available through the University of Nebraska, including insurance and travel safety information, is available at
  • All international shipments (including travel with materials in checked luggage) are subject to approval by UNMC's Export Control Office and Environmental Health and Safety. This includes approval for export licensing, customs clearance, and dangerous goods shipments. Information and forms are available at
  • International travel with electronic devices is subject to UNMC's policies and procedures on information security. More information is available at

For assistance completing this form, please contact the Export Control Office at or (402) 559-9328.

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